Wednesday, November 25, 2009

And Now For Something...

...unrelated. It seems that, with Windows 7, the explorer does a really great job of forgetting where you left your windows. I'm the sort of person that likes to arrange commonly used windows "just so", so that they use the least amount of space, and so their layout makes some kind of sense (at least to me).

Windows 7 won't let me do that, at least I never figured out how, even after asking the internet. There were lots of suggestions that one use Window Manager by DeskSoft, which I tried. It seemed a bit flaky at times, but did more or less what I wanted, and then some.

However, I figured that the software was pretty simple, and I knew that if and when the shareware license expired I wouldn't be buying it (too unpolished, and really, it does something Windows should already do). So I thought, "Why not write an some free/Free/open-source/whatever-you-want-to-call-it software that does what I want?"

So I did. You can find an alpha version of WindowsWhere ("windows where you want them", if you follow me) hosted at Google Code. WindowsWhere is licensed under the GPL v3. Hopefully at least one other person has been annoyed by this, and hopefully I didn't just totally miss a "native" solution.

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